Artist Statement

The need or desire to create has been a part of me from an early age. The explanation of that need has given shape to who I have become. A deep connection to the natural world inspires all of my works…from furniture, to sculpture, to paintings. A common thread being simplicity.

The viewer is induced to focus on a naturally occurring element, a shape, a pattern or a combination of colors. The representation does not force but, rather, encourages a meditative calm. And in this appreciative state we are compelled to acknowledge that life is truly a gift.


The Maker

Benjamin Turley is an artist whose work reflects his passion for expression through material and form. Born in the shadow of the Bighorn mountains of Wyoming, Benjamin spent his childhood exploring the beautiful and fascinating natural world around him. Inspired by the free, dynamic and stimulating design found in nature, he has continued to build on a body of work that projects the knowledge of a craftsman and the soul of an artist.